

This is an alphabetical list of commands available on MapleServ, and instructions for their use.

N.B. Commands requiring an access level of 100 are not listed

access Required Access Level: 00
Usage: access {<channel>} {<nick or userhost>}
Description: Shows someone's access level

add Required Access Level: 90
Usage: Add <channel or *> <nick or userhost> <level>
<aop> <prot_level> <passwd>
Description: Adds someone to the Pending Userlist
Level: can be 50, 60, 70, 80 or 90
AOp: either 0 or 1 (0 = no, 1 = yes)
Prot: can be 0 through 4:
0. no protection
1. do nothing to offender
2. deop offender
3. kick offender
4. kickban offender
Passwd: Assigns the person a password

(If no args are given except the userlevel, all others are assumed to be 0 with no passwd)

aop Required Access Level: 90
Usage: Aop {(<channel>} <nick or userhost>
Description: Auto-ops someone on a certain channel

approve Required Access Level: 90
Usage: approve {<channel or *>} <nick or userhost>
Description: Moves a User from the Pending Userlist to the Permanent Userlist, and saves the changes

auth Required Access Level: 00
Usage: auth <password>
Description: This verifies that you are who you claim to be

b Required Access Level: 70
Usage: B {<channel>} <nick or userhost>
Description: Bans someone on a certain channel

banlist Required Access Level: 70
Usage: Banlist {<channel>}
Description: Shows the banlist for a certain channel

channels Required Access Level: 50
Usage: Channels
Description: Lists the channels the bot is active on

chanstats Required Access Level: 50
Usage: ChanStats [<channel>]
Description: Returns basically useless information about a channel

chat Required Access Level: 70
Usage: Chat
Description: The bot will /DCC Chat you

clvl Required Access Level: 90
Usage: Clvl {<channel>} <nick or userhost> <level>
Description: Changes the userlevel of someone on a certain channel. The level must be less than or equal to yours on that channel

cslvl Required Access Level: 80
Usage: cslvl <channel or *> <nick or userhost> <newlevel>
Description: Changes the shitlist level on the specified person
(See shit for a list of levels)

cycle Required Access Level: 90
Usage: Cycle [<channel>]
Description: Makes the bot leave and rejoin a certain channel

dcclist Required Access Level: 90
Usage: dcclist
Description: Lists all of the bots DCC connections

del Required Access Level: 90
Usage: Del <channel or *> <nick or userhost>
Description: Deletes someone from the userlist

deop Required Access Level: 90
Usage: Deop {<channel>} <nick>
Description: Deops someone on a certain channel

down Required Access Level: 50
Usage: Down {<channel>}
Description: Deops you on a channel

getch Required Access Level: 50
Usage: getch
Description: Returns the name of the bot's current channel

help Required Access Level: 50
Usage: help <menu or level or topic>
Description: Displays help about commands accessed by level or topic.
Use help menu for a menu

idle Required Access Level: 50
Usage: Idle <nick>
Description: Shows how long a person has been idle on a channel

info Required Access Level: 50
Usage: info
Description: Shows version data and bot uptime

invite Required Access Level: 90
Usage: Invite {<channel>} {<nick>}
Description: Invite someone to a certain channel (It invites you, if no nick is given)

join Required Access Level: 90
Usage: Join <channel> {<key>}
Description: Makes the bot join a channel

k Required Access Level: 60
Usage: K {<channel>} <nick> {<reason>}
Description: Kicks someone on a certain channel

kb Required Access Level: 70
Usage: KB {<channel>} <nick> {<reason>}
Description: Bans, then kicks someone on a certain channel

kicks Required Access Level: 90
Usage: kicks {<nick>}
Description: Shows how many kicks you, or another user have done

leave Required Access Level: 90
Usage: Leave {<channel>}
Description: Makes the bot leave a certain channel

limit Required Access Level: 90
Usage: Limit {<channel>} <number>
Description: This is a replacement for the +l mode When the number of lusers reached =. the number specified, the bot will +i the channel. Once the number of lusers is 3 less than the number specified, it will -i

mdeop Required Access Level: 90
Usage: MDeOp {<channel>} {<wildcards>}
Description: Mass-deops people on a certain channel...if wildcards are given, only those matching the wildcards will be deopped. Otherwise, everyone is deopped (the bot will NOT deop those with levels greater than or equal to 50)

mdeopnu Required Access Level: 90
Usage: MDeOpNU {<channel>}
Description: Mass-deops non-users on a certain channel

mk Required Access Level: 90
Usage: MK {<channel>} {<wildcards>}
Description: Mass-kicks people on a certain channel...if wildcards are given, only those matching the wildcards will be kicked. Otherwise, everyone is kicked (the bot will NOT kick those with levels greater than or equal to 50)

mkb Required Access Level: 90
Usage: MK {<channel>} {<wildcards>}
Description: Mass-kickbans people on a certain channel...if wildcards are given, only those matching the wildcards will be kickbanned. Otherwise, everyone is kickbanned (the bot will NOT kickban those with levels greater than or equal to 50)

mknu Required Access Level: 90
Usage: MKNU {<channel>}
Description: Masskick non-users on a certain channel

mop Required Access Level: 90
Usage: MOp {<channel>} {<wildcards>}
Description: Mass-ops people on a certain channel...if wildcards are given, only those matching the wildcards will be opped. Otherwise, everyone is opped

mopu Required Access Level: 90
Usage: MopU {<channel>}
Description: Mass-ops users on a certain channel

msg Required Access Level: 90
Usage: Msg <nick> <text>
Description: Makes the bot /msg someone

mub Required Access Level: 90
Usage: MUB {<channel>} {<wildcards>}
Description: Massunbans the bans that match the wildcards specified

names Required Access Level: 90
Usage: names <channel>
Description: Shows names on the specified channel

nextserver Required Access Level: 90
Usage: NextServer
Description: Makes the bot go to the next server in the serverlist

op Required Access Level: 90
Usage: Op {<channel>} <nick>
Description: Ops someone on a certain channel

part Required Access Level: 90
Usage: Part {<channel>}
Description: Makes the bot leave a certain channel

passwd Required Access Level: 50
Usage: Passwd <old password> <new password>
Description: Changes your password on the bot
(Passwords are case-sensitive)

ping Required Access Level: 90
Usage: ping
Description: Makes the bot respond with a "Pong" message

raop Required Access Level: 90
Usage: RAop {<channel>} <nick or userhost>
Description: Stop auto-opping someone on a certain channel

rshit Required Access Level: 80
Usage: Rshit <channel or *> <nick or userhost>
Description: Removes someone from the shitlist

rspymsg Required Access Level: 80
Usage: RSpyMsg {<nick>}
Description: Stop redirecting private messages the bot receives (if a nick is given, that person will be removed from receiving the private messages)

sb Required Access Level: 80
Usage: SB {<channel>} <nick or userhost>
Description: Sitebans someone on a certain channel

setpass Required Access Level: 90
Usage: setpass <nick or userhost> <password>
Description: Sets the password for a user

setshitreason Required Access Level: 80
Usage: setshitreason <channel or *> <nick or userhost> <newreason>
Description: changes the shitreason on a shitlisted user on a certain channel

shit Required Access Level: 80
Usage: Shit <channel or *> <nick or userhost> <level> {<expire>} {<reason>}
Description: Shitlists someone on all channels (*) or a certain channel
Level: can be 1 through 3:
1. doesn't let the person be opped
2. will kb the person
3. rebans the person when unbanned by anyone
Expire: the number of days the shitlist will be good for (default is 30)
Reason: reason for the shitlist...displays it on kickban

(The bot checks for shitlisted users on join, nick switch, and when the bot is opped)

shitlist Required Access Level: 80
Usage: shitlist
Description: shows the shitlist

showidle Required Access Level: 90
Usage: Showidle {<seconds>}
Description: This will show how long people are idle If a number of seconds is given, it will only show people idle for more than that amount of time

showusers Required Access Level: 90
Usage: Showusers {<channel>}
Description: List the people on a certain channel
This will show their userlevel and current mode status too

skb Required Access Level: 80
Usage: SKB {<channel>} <nick> {<reason>}
Description: Sitekickbans someone on a certain channel

splits Required Access Level: 80
Usage: splits
Description: Displays a list of servers the bot currently knows are split (Link watching has to be toggled on for this command to work)

spymsg Required Access Level: 90
Usage: SpyMsg
Description: Shows you private messages the bot receives

stats Required Access Level: 90
Usage: Stats {<channel>} {<nick or userhost>}
Description: Shows stats for a person on a certain channel

topic Required Access Level: 90
Usage: Topic {<channel>} <text>
Description: Sets the topic on a certain channel

topsplits Required Access Level: 90
Usage: topsplits
Description: Gives you a list of the top splits that the bot has recorded (link watching must be toggled on for this command to work properly)

ub Required Access Level: 70
Usage: UB {<channel>} {<nick or userhost>}
Description: Unbans someone on a certain channel (if no nick/userhost is given, you are unbanned)

up Required Access Level: 50
Usage: Up {<channel>}
Description: Ops you on a certain channel

userhost Required Access Level: 60
Usage: Userhost <nick>
Description: Returns the u@h of a person

userlist Required Access Level: 90
Usage: Userlist
Description: Shows the userlist

version Required Access Level: 50
Usage: Version
Description: Returns the version of ComBot that is running



Maple: MapleServ Commands
Sunday, May 16th 1998 10:25:38 GMT